Tourveranstalter: ZADAR-SAILING 3 Tage Reisemethode:   Andere / Keine Reise Region / Startet in/von: Dalmatia - Zadar

Početni tečaj jedrenja

Trodnevni tečaj jedrenja namijenjen za početnike i one malo iskusnije  sastoji se od teorijskog i praktičnog dijela koji se izvode istovremeno.

Ako tražiš osnovna jedriličarska iskustva povezana s aktivnim odmorom u okruženju iskonske i divlje prirode, na pravom si putu.

Bavaria 36 Cruise je odličan brod za početnike, te za one malo iskusnije koji bi htjeli nadograditi svoje vještine. Na tečaju ćete  se upoznati s osnovama jedrenja te manevriranja brodom. Iskusite život na moru, čari jedrenja te ugodno i aktivno  provedite vrijeme s nama.


Tečaj je dostupan cijelu godinu, svih 12 mjeseci.

Keine versteckten Kosten

For all bookings of day tours, a minimum of 24 hours' notice prior to your scheduled departure is required in order to receive a full refund. If a cancellation is made with less than 24 hours notice, no refund is given.

For all bookings of multi-day and custom private tours, a minimum of 72 hours' notice prior to your scheduled departure is required in order to receive a full refund. If a cancellation is made with less than 72 hours' notice, no refund is given*

*Note that in the event the client requests a refund for any reason, Tour Desk reserves the right to charge a 3% administration fee to cover costs incurred.

Cancellation and refund requests need to be sent in writing to